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Welcome to AHGP District of Columbia, I am Judy White and one of the Webmasters for the Project.  I step in and take care of States or Counties until a new webmaster can be found.  Maybe that is you? Read our About Page and learn what we are all about, give it some thought and if your interested, use our Contact Page to let us know.


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New today May 15, 2015

Officers and Roster of Members, Second Army Corp Association
Historic Fort Washington on the Potomac
Hotels of Washington DC Prior to 1814
Street Nomenclature of Washington City
A Brief History of Anacostia, Its Name, Origin and Progress
List of Principal Municipal Authorities of the Cities of Washington, Georgetown and the District of Columbia

Roster and Muster Roll of John F. Reynolds Post, 1891
Evangelical Lutheran Church History and Membership
Grand Masters of the District of Columbia Jurisdiction, 1814-1911
Military forts of District of Columbia, 1903
Historical Dictionary of the District of Columbia
Sons of the Revolution

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Women of America
Glossary of Diseases
Statistical Gazetteer of the United States
Mardos Memorial Library
National Yearbook Project
New Mexico Tombstone Project
Native American Resource Center
Obituary Resource Center
Military Forts by State
Gazetteers, Directories, Post Offices and More
Oklahoma Lawmen & Outlaws


History of District of Columbia
from Descriptive and Statistical Gazetteer of the United States of America

This district has become the centre of a considerable and active commerce, though it cannot at all compete with Baltimore, in its vicinity. Vessels of the largest class come up to Alexandria, 6 miles below Washington, where the Potomac is a mile wade, and from 30 to 50 feet deep; and vessels of a large size come up to the U. S. Navy Yard, at the junction of the East Branch with the Potomac, at Washington. A very considerable quantity of flour and other produce comes down the Potomac, and centers chiefly at Alexandria, and some at Georgetown. The chief business of Washington city has relation to the accommodation of the national legislature, and of the officers of the general government.

The District of Columbia is a tract of country 10 miles square, on both sides of the Potomac river, about 120 miles from its mouth, ceded to the United. States by Virginia and Maryland, in 1790, for the purpose of becoming the sea of government. It includes the cities of Washington, Alexandria, and Georgetown, and is under the immediate government of Congress. In 1800 the population was 14,093; in 1810, 24,023; in 1820, 33,039; in 1830, 39,858; in 1840, 43,712, of which 30,657 were whites, 8,361 were free colored persons, and 4,694 were slaves. Read more...

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