Myron M. Parker, Grand Master, 1881-83
Born in
Fairfax, Vermont, November 7, 1843, Brother' Parker came of a
martial, patriotic family, both of his grand fathers having been
soldiers in the War of 1812, and his great grandfathers soldiers
in the Revolutionary Army, as also in the War of 1812.
He was a student at Fort Edward
Collegiate Institute at the breaking out of the Civil War, and
in December, 1863, enlisted in Company M, 1st Vermont Cavalry,
in which organization he served until the close of the war,
taking part in several important battles.
In 1865 he was appointed to a
clerkship in the War Department In 1879 he was appointed
Assistant Postmaster of Washington and so continued until 1881,
when he embarked in private business.
Brother Parker is a graduate of the
law department of the Columbia University in the class of 1876.
He was one of the organizers of the Columbia National Dank and
the American Security and Trust Co.; was first President of the
Board of Trade and re-elected three times; is a director in many
of the financial institutions of the city; also a director in
the Columbia Hospital for Women, Providence Hospital, and the
Washington Home for Foundlings.
He was appointed one of the
Commissioners of the District of Columbia by President Harrison;
was an Aide-de-Camp with the rank of Colonel on the Staff of the
Governor of Vermont, and was a member of the National Republican
Committee for eight years.
Brother Parker devoted a number of
years to the real estate business, in which he was very
successful, but in 1894, withdrew from that field and gave his
time and attention to corporations, and in this line has very
extensive connections, both local and otherwise.
He has always been an advocate of the
outdoor life, and finds health and pleasure through his
association with numerous hunting, fishing, and other clubs.
Brother Parker is one of the big men
physically as well as mentally in the District of Columbia,
being several inches over six feet in height, and has an
unusually pleasing and dignified presence. His courteous and
affable demeanor has given him a wide popularity in many
circles, while his executive ability, tact, and force gave to
his administration as Grand Master a distinguished place in the
history of the local Craft. One instance of his firmness and
thorough conception of the dignity of the Fraternity gives this
point: Near the close of the first year of his administration as
Grand Master the Grand Lodge received an invitation from a Joint
Committee of Congress for the Masonic Fraternity to join in the
parade on the occasion of the dedication of the Washington
Monument, which was firmly declined by Grand Master Parker
unless the ^Masons should have assigned them their proper part
of the ceremonies. A correspondence ensued which resulted in the
Grand Masonic display upon that occasion, February 21, 1885, the
Government having finally conceded the point that the Grand
Lodge should perform the Masonic ceremony of dedication.
He received the symbolic degrees in
Warner Lodge, No. 50, of Cambridge, Vt, in 1864; dimitted
therefrom and affiliated with Benj. B. French Lodge, No. 15, of
Washington, D. C, May 4, 1868, of which lodge he was Senior
Warden in 1879, and Worshipful Master in 1880. In 1881 and 1882
he served as Senior Grand Warden, in 1883 as Deputy Grand
Master, and in 1884 and 1885 as Grand Master of the Grand Lodge
of the District of Columbia.
In 1891 he was elected an honorary
member of Myron M. Parker Lodge, No. 27, which was chartered in
that year and which had adopted his name. He received the
Capitular degrees in Columbia R. A. Chapter, No. 1, in 1868, and
is a life member thereof. He was knighted in Columbia
Commandery, No. 2, K. T., December 7, 1872; served as
Standard-Bearer in 1870, as Generalissimo during the first eight
months of 1878, and as Acting Commander the remainder of the
yean He was elected Eminent Commander for the year 1879, and
re-elected for 1880. He also had the honor of serving his
commandery for a third term as Eminent Commander during the year
1889, having been recalled by his fraters to take the helm
during that momentous year. His terms were red-letter years in
the history of Columbia Commandery, having been three of the
most brilliant and prosperous it has enjoyed.
In 1887 Brother Parker was elected
Chairman of the Joint Committee, composed of nine (afterwards
increased to eleven) Sir Knights from each of the four
Commanderies, appointed to make arrangements for the
entertaining of the Grand Encampment of the United States, and
such Commanderies as might attend, on the occasion of the
Twenty-fourth Triennial Conclave, held in Washington in 1889.
Sir Kt. Parker was the Grand
Sword-Bearer of the Grand Encampment, K. T., of the United
States, from 1889 till 1892. He is an honorary member of
Palestine Commandery, No. 18, of New York; of St John's
Commandery, No. 4, of Philadelphia; of Apollo Commandery, No. 1,
of Chicago, and of University Preceptory, Dublin, Ireland. He is
also a Scottish Rite Mason of the thirty-second degree.
District of Columbia

Source: History of the Grand Lodge and
Freemasonry in the District of Columbia, compiled by W. Brother
Kenton N. Harper, 1911.