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The following areas of District of Columbia are up for adoption:

  • North Capitol Street

  • South West Section

  • South East Section

  • North East Section

  • North West Section

  • Georgetown

  • Suburban

The Descriptive and Statistical Gazetteer of the United States of America provides the following:

Alexandria City, seaport and capital of Alexandria County, D. C, 43 s. s. w. Baltimore, 115 n. Richmond, 7 W. 38° 48' n. lat. 0° 3' w. lon. W. It is finely situated on the w. side of the Potomac, which has a depth of water here sufficient for vessels of the largest class. The population in 1800 was 4,196; in 1810, 7,227; in 1820, 8,218; in 1830, 8,263; in 1840, 8,459. The city is considerably elevated, ascending gradually from the r; the streets cross each other at right angles. The public buildings are a court house, and 10 churches — 2 Presbyterian, 2 Episcopal, 2 Methodist, 1 Baptist, 1 Friends, 1 colored Methodist, and 1 Roman Catholic. The city has considerable shipping, and exports wheat, Indian corn, and tobacco, to a considerable amount. The tonnage of the port in 1840, was 14,470. The Chesapeake and Ohio canal extends to this place, and may be expected to add to its prosperity. It has 2 banks, with an aggregate cap. of $1,000,000, and 1 fire, and 1 marine insurance co. It is governed by a mayor and a common council of 16 members. It has 8 acad. 296 students, 10 sch. 224 scholars.

Alexandria, County, comprises all that part of the District of Columbia which lies w. of the and formerly belonged to Virginia. The soil is generally thin, and uneven. It contains about 36 sq. m. A bridge, of over a mile in length, connects it with Washington city. The laws of Virginia are in force here, unless superseded by the special enactments of the general government. There were in 1840, neat cattle 989, sheep 263, swine 1,190; wheat 4,334 bushels produced, rye 2,798, Ind. corn 18,800, oats 9,091, potatoes 6,283; 156 stores, cap. $1,528,450 , 5 tanneries, 1 pottery, 1 ropewalk, 3 grist m., 1 daily newspaper. Cap. in manufac. $474,400. Pop. 1830, 9,608; 1840, whites 6,731, slaves 1,374, free colored 1,862; total, 9,967.

Historical Dictionary of District of Columbia, 1922 provides:

Society of the District of Columbia
Membership Roll, May 1891
75+ Names and bits of history

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