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Streets, Places, Courts and Alleys Within the City and District

Which Have Been Called After Some of the Names now Proposed to be Appropriated to the Streets Within the Original City; With the Substitutes Proposed.

Present Name, Proposed Name, Public Service

Adams Mill road for Columbia road, Hancock, Signer Declaration of Independence.
Adams Street Anacostia for Harrison, Ames, (Fisher) Patriot.
Arthur Street Anacostia for 62 Grant, Allen, (Ethan) Cont. Army.
Arthur Place northwest bet. B and C N. J. Avenue and 1st Calvert, (Lord Baltimore.)

Buchanan Street for Monroe, Barney, (Joshua) Commodore.
Buchanan Street northwest west for Columbia road, Pendleton, (Edmund) President of 1st Continental Congress.

Cleveland Avenue northwest for 1219 W to 1224 Florida Avenue Cass, Secretary State and War, Governor General.
Clinton Street northwest for 11th ext, Piney Branch road, Howard, (John Eager) Continual Army, Gov. of Maryland. Senator.
Clinton Place northeast for 1120 Connecticut Avenue Chase. (Samuel ) Signer Declaration of Independence.

Decatur Street northwest for N. Cap. bet. O and P. Bayard. Senator. Commissioner to Ghent.

Fillmore Street Anacostia for Harrison, Forsyth, Secretary of State; Minister to Spain. Senator.
Franklin Street northwest for 1st to 2d and for N. J. Avenue to 5th above P. Campbell, (William) Hero at King's Mountain 1780.

Garfield Avenue southwest for Delaware Avenue to B, Gallatin, Secretary of Treasurer 1801.
Garfield Avenue Washington Heights, Jay, First Chief Justice.
Grant Street Anacostia for 334 Monroe, Greene, (Nathaniel) General.
Grant Avenue northwest for Brightwood Avenue to Florida Avenue and 10th, Hamlin, Vice-President.
Grant Place northwest for 720 9th to 10th, Colfax, Vice-President.
Grant road for Tennallytown to Broad Branch road, Randolph, (Peyton) President First Continental Congress.
Grant Street northwest for Pine to Brown road, Decatur, Commodore.

Harrison Avenue southeast for 13th to 14th above C, Hamilton, Secretary of Treasure 1789.
Harrison Street Anacostia for Monroe, Hendricks, Vice-President.
Hayes court northwest for 18th above D, Pickering, (Timothy) Secretary of State, 1795.

Jackson Street Anacostia for Monroe, Irving Minister to Spain, Biographer of Washington.
Jackson Street northeast for 721 N. Capital to 1st, Tilghman, (Colonel, Tench) Aide to Washington.

Jefferson Avenue northwest for 3025 Water to 3028 M, Smallwood, Governor of Maryland, Major General.
Jefferson Place northwest for 1218 Connecticut Avenue to 1227 19th, Scott, Lieutenant General.
Jefferson Street Anacostia for Monroe, Izard, (Ralph) Commander to Tuscany, Senator 1781.

King Alley southeast between 14th and 15th Street S. Car. Avenue and C. Kendall, (Amos) Post Master General 1833.
King northeast for Bladensburg road, Wirt, (Wm.) Attorney General 1817-29.
Knox Alley southwest for 328 E to 327 F. Key, (Francis S.) Author, Star Spangled Banner.

LaFayette Avenue Montello for Queen, Jenifer (Daniel of Street Thomas) Signer of Constitution from Maryland.
Lincoln Avenue for Florida Avenue and N. Capitol to Harewood and Bunker Hill roads, Marshall, Chief Justice 1801-56.
Lincoln Square E. Capitol for 11th to 13th, Lincoln.
Lincoln Street Anacostia for Johnson, Southard, Secretary of Navy, Senator, Author of important report explaining the financial situation of the Government with respect to the District of Columbia.
Lincoln Street northwest for Brightwood Avenue, Laurens, (Henry) Minister to Netherlands, Imprisoned in Tower.
Lincoln Terrace northwest hd. 15th and Florida Avenue, Mercer, General Killed at Battle of Princeton.

Madison Street northwest for 1522 14th to 1519 17th, Webster, Secretary of State, etc.
Madison Avenue northwest for 518 1st to 519 2nd, Dexter, (Samuel) Secretary of War and State, 1800-1.
Madison court northwest for 1216 Madison, Muhlenberg, (Fredk. A.) 1st Speaker, 1789.
Madison Street Anacostia for Adams, Macon, Speaker, 1801-7.
Madison Street northwest for 6th to 7th above M, Pinkney, (William) Attorney General, Minister to England.
Madison Street northwest for 621 M, Morgan, (General Daniel) Member of Congress.

Monroe Street Anacostia for the bridge to Jefferson, Wilson, Vice-President Johnson.

Pierce Place northwest for 1418 14th to 1825 16th, Johnson, President.
Pierce Street Anacostia for Harrison, Putnam, General
Pierce Street northwest for 1140 N. Capitol to 1135 New Jersey Avenue, McKean, Signer Declaration of Independence and Articles of Confederation, Governor, President of Congress.
Pierce Mill Road for Rockville tpk. to Rock Creek, Gales, Mayor of Washington.
Pierce Street Alley northwest for 203 L to 140 Pierce, Clay, Commissioner to Ghent, Speaker 1811-25, Secretary of State.
Polk Street Anacostia for Jefferson, Prescott, Colonel at Bunker Bill.

Quincy Street northeast between 1st and 2nd and Q and R, Winthrop, Speaker, 1847.

Taylor Alley southwest for 478 G to 481 H, Tompkins, Vice-President, twice.
Taylor Street Anacostia for Harrison, Taney, Chief Justice.

Washington court northwest for 480 Washington, Hull, Commodore.
Washington Street Anacostia for Monroe, Woodbury, Justice United States Supreme Court, Secretary of Treasury.
Washington Street northwest for 722 4th to 715 5th. ter to Brazil, Sumter, Brigadier General in Revolution, Senator, Minister.

AHGP District of Columbia

Source: Records of the Columbia Historical Society, Washington DC, Committee on Publication and the Recording Secretary, Volume 7, Washington, Published b the Society, 1904.

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