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William Hewitt, Grand Master, 1820-21, 1828-29

Brother Hewitt was a man of prominence in the early days of the City of Washington, and filled several public offices of trust, among others that of Register of the City from 1810 to 1838.

He was for many years treasurer of the old Patriotic Fire Company, and resided on the site of the Stewart Building, corner Sixth and D Streets, N. West in which Gen. Scott had his headquarters at the opening of the Civil War.

For a quarter of a century he was an active, interested, and valuable worker in Symbolic Masonry in the District and has the distinction of having been connected with three local lodges during that period. He was initiated in Federal Lodge, No. 1, June 3, 1811, passed August 6, 1811, and raised September 2, 1811. November 4, of the same year, he withdrew to become a charter member of Lebanon Lodge, No. 7; served the latter lodge as Secretary in 1811 and 1812; J. W., 1813; South West, 1814; Worshipful Master, 1816 and 1817, and withdrew therefrom February 15, 1822. He was a charter member and the first Master of The New Jerusalem Lodge, No. 9, and retained the East there for the years 1824 to 1826 inclusive.

Brother Hewitt was elected to the position of Senior Grand Warden for 1817, Deputy Grand Master for 1818-1819, and served as Grand Master for the four terms indicated above.

Image: standiford-henry Grand Master 1901 Grand High Priest, 1902

AHGP District of Columbia

Source: History of the Grand Lodge and Freemasonry in the District of Columbia, compiled by W. Brother Kenton N. Harper, 1911.

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